JAKARTA - The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) has reallocated the budget to accelerate economic recovery due to the corona virus pandemic or COVID-19. The collected budget amounted to IDR 483.74 billion, equivalent to 9.12 percent of the total 2020 APBN-P KKP.
Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Edhy Prabowo conveyed that the KKP's current budget ceiling was IDR 5.30 trillion after receiving savings of IDR 1.147 trillion from the previous IDR 6.44 trillion. This saving is in accordance with Presidential Decree No. 54 of 2020 concerning Posture Changes and Details of the 2020 State Budget.
"Following up on the conclusion of the previous meeting (with Commission IV) on April 6 to increase the budget for government assistance to the marine and fisheries community, the KKP has reallocated a budget of Rp. 483.74 billion," said Edhy, through a written statement received by VOI in Jakarta, Wednesday. , April 15th.
Edhy explained that the budget was used for 23 activities including fishermen service, fish quarantine service month, fish cultivation insurance, broodstock assistance, seeds, seaweed seeds, fish feed, independent feed machines and raw materials, assistance with facilities to support pond revitalization, program expansion. Gemarikan, cold chain facilities, pond revitalization, to Community Salt Business Development (PUGAR).
According to Edhy, the recipients of the aid are not only fisheries but also medical personnel and casual daily workers who have been affected by the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia.
"For fishermen service activities, for example, we have budgeted more than Rp. 12.7 billion. While the expansion of the Gemarikan Program is budgeted more than Rp. 20 billion," he said.
Edhy said, he hopes that the Yamh budget issued by the KKP can help absorb fish production and processed fishery products, as well as distribute them to the community to fulfill nutrition. "Mainly for medical personnel and freelance daily workers, including taxi drivers and online motorcycle taxis," he explained.
Apart from reallocating the budget for assistance, the KKP has also proposed six economic stimulus packages in the marine and fisheries sector in an effort to accelerate the handling of the impact of COVID-19.
Edhy explained, the six stimuli include government assistance for fishermen, cultivators, processors / marketers, and salt farmers amounting to Rp1.024 trillion; Direct Cash Assistance (BLT) for fisheries community of IDR 600 thousand per month for three months through the Ministry of Social Affairs; purchasing fishery products by fishery SOEs, and lowering import duties on tin plates and finished cans, as well as tomato paste and sauce thickening flour as raw materials for the fish canning industry.
"We also propose the purchase of salt produced by farmers by the state-owned company PT Garam, then expand the scope of Minister of Finance Regulation No.23 of 2020 concerning Tax Incentives to include marine and fishery industrial activities," he said.
Meanwhile, the Chairman of Commission IV Sub-dept who is also the chairman of the session said that his party accepted Minister Edhy's explanation regarding the refocusing of activities and reallocation of the KKP's budget after the budget adjustment was made to Rp. 5.3 trillion.
Then, Sudin said, Commission IV asked the government in this case the Ministry of Finance not to cut back on the 2020 KKP budget considering that fishermen, cultivators, salt farmers, as well as processors and marketers of fishery products that are directly affected by the COVID-19 outbreak must be protected according to Law Number 7 of 2016 .
Furthermore, Commission IV asked the KKP to implement a strategic program to support the production of fishery and salt commodities, in order to accelerate economic recovery from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Commission IV, said Sudin, also asked the KKP to propose to the Minister of BUMN to assign BUMN in the fisheries sector, such as Perum Perindo, PT Perinus and PT Garam, to absorb fishery commodities and salt, taking into account quality and price stability and maximizing the function of warehouse receipts and chain systems. cold.
"Fifth, Commission IV asked the KKP to continue providing distance education (online) to all stakeholders and regional policy makers and continue to provide various facilities for social assistance, such as assistance with seeds, broodstock, seaweed, and others," said Sudin.
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