JAKARTA - The National Police has named Munarman a terrorist suspect. Munarman is suspected of planning acts of terrorism.

The alleged terror action plan was conveyed by the Head of Public Relations Division of the National Police, Kombes Ahmad Ramadhan. "Yes, please," he said during a question and answer session with reporters, Wednesday, April 28.

Munarman was arrested by Densus 88 on Tuesday, April 27 at around 15.30 WIB at Modern Hills Housing, Cinangka, Pamulang, South Tangerang.

Munarman is suspected of mobilizing other people to commit criminal acts of terrorism, conspiring to commit crimes of terrorism and withholding information about criminal acts of terrorism.

After Munarman was arrested, the Densus 88 Team also conducted a search at the former FPI banned mass organization office in Petamburan, Central Jakarta.

During the search, the team found the explosive raw materials for TATP or triacetone triperoxide, acetone and nitrates.

The National Police Headquarters also emphasized the treatment of Munarman when he was taken to Polda Metro Jaya. This treatment is in accordance with international standards.

"The international standard for arresting terrorists is like that. Terror crimes are organized crimes with a very wide network, ”said Kombes Ramadhan.

Even with the handcuffs that were used on Munarman. This standard is called by the National Police as the principle of equality before the law.

"So at the time of the arrest of brother M, M, his position was already a suspect," said Kombes Ramadhan.

Munarman was charged with Law Number 5 of 2018 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Terrorism. However, regarding the article, Kombes Ramadhan has not mentioned it.

"Meanwhile (the article) is related to acts of terrorism. There's no way the case will be snatched, a case of fraud. (Charged with the article) on terrorism cases, "he said.

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