JAKARTA - West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil gave an award of Rp. 100 million to the family of Marine Lieutenant Colonel (E) Irfan Suri, a victim of KRI Nanggala 402 at the funeral home, Sukamantri, Bogor Regency.

"There is a sense of affection from the West Java Provincial Government and BJB in providing scholarships to children of around Rp. 100 million. Although not much, it can be used as school supplies. I think that Kadedeuh money can be used for children's education costs and ease their daily lives too," he said after visiting the funeral home. , reported by Antara, Tuesday, April 27.

According to him, his arrival was also to relieve the grief of the family which was also felt by the wider community.

"So, I am here as the leader of the West Java region to pray for strength, safety, fortitude, and for the families left behind," said the former Bandung mayor.

Lieutenant Colonel Irfan Suri leaves a wife and three school-age children. The education of their three children is also the responsibility of the Indonesian Navy.

This was revealed when the Chief of Naval Staff (KASAL) Admiral Yudo Margono visited the house, Tuesday afternoon.

During his visit, TNI Admiral Yudo Margono, who was in full service, took a pilgrimage to express his condolences to the family of Irfan Suri who served as Head of Sisendal Matindalsen Headquarters of the Navy (AL).

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