JAKARTA - The Supervisory Board of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) will seek information regarding the alleged communication between the Mayor of Tanjungbalai M Syahrial and one of the KPK leaders. The KPK Dewas will investigate the alleged violation of the code of ethics if there is communication that occurs.

"Dewas will certainly look for and study all information related to allegations of irregularities and / or suspected violations of the code of ethics committed by every KPK personnel, including employees, leaders, and members of the Dewas himself," said KPK Supervisory Board member Syamsuddin Haris when contacted, Tuesday, 27. April.

Meanwhile, another member of the KPK Supervisory Board, namely Albertina Ho, admitted that she had only just learned about the alleged communication from the mass media. He then suggested that anyone who knew about the allegation should immediately report it.

"If there is evidence, please convey it to the supervisory board," he said.

As previously reported, information related to the communication that M Syahrial was trying to establish with Lili Pintauli was conveyed by the Coordinator of the Anti-Corruption Society (MAKI) Boyamin Saiman. However, Boyamin does not know the continuation of this communication effort.

Regarding this information, VOI has contacted KPK Deputy Chairman Lili Pintauli via short message. However, until this news was broadcast there had been no reply from the former commissioner of the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK).

Meanwhile, Acting KPK spokesperson for enforcement, Ali Fikri, said that his party would conduct a deepening. "All the information we have received at this time, we will ensure that it will be investigated on the parties we will summon and examine as witnesses," he said.

In a bribery case related to the termination of the case at the Tanjungbalai City Government, the KPK has determined and detained three people. They are KPK investigators from elements of the Bhayangkara Corps AKP Stepanus Robin Pattuju, Mayor of Tanjungbalai M Syahrial, and lawyer Maskur Husain.

In this case, Stepanus and Maskur were suspected of violating Article 12 letter a or letter b or Article 11 and Article 12B of the Corruption Eradication Law in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) k-1 of the Criminal Code.

Meanwhile, MS was suspected of violating Article 5 paragraph 1 letter a or b or Article 12 of the Corruption Eradication Law.

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