JAKARTA - The Mayor of Medan, Bobby Nasution, is not tired of reminding his citizens to dispose of garbage in its place, not in the river or the ditch. This is to support the river normalization and drainage efforts in Medan City.

"Disposing of any garbage is a problem that is often a topic of conversation. Education and socialization are one of the ways to make river normalization and drainage programs a success so that the flood problem can be resolved immediately", said Bobby on his Instagram account @bobbynst, quoted on Tuesday, April 27.

With support and cooperation, the community does not litter, he said, apart from supporting the river normalization program, it will also have a good impact on the community. Namely, with the normal flow of the river, the flood will not occur.

"Of course, this requires the support and action of the entire Medan City community. By collaborating with all parties, let's stop littering and keep the drainage and rivers clean", he said.

This upload of President Joko Widodo's son-in-law gets some advice and support from netizens. Among them, Bobby was asked to make monitoring and sanctions for violators.

"After clearing the proposal, monitoring and sanctions are also carried out", said @rahmat_r_syahputra.

"That's right sir ... in my own neighborhood the community is very lacking in" Dispose of Trash at its Place "such as education to the people in the city of Medan which is still very lacking and for 6 years I have lived in the neighborhood today, there have never been people working together to clean up the environment", said @merylesmanagiri chimed in.

"Excuse, sir. You have to make a banner to appeal to the community, sir, to educate the community. Sorry, sir, I suggest", said @panggabeanpicer.

"Just impose fines as a penalty for those who litter", said @syarifsinaga.

But there are also other comments. He asked Bobby instead. "After that, Where do we throw it, sir? A garbage car just a month or so does not pass once", said @johanes_tan.

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