Head of the Indonesian National Armed Forces Information Center (Kapuspen) Brigadier General Kristomei Sianturi said there would be derivative rules to regulate the pyramid of TNI personnel.
Later there will explain the maximum limit. Later there will be these arrangements, so that the pyramid will still be formed," Kristomei said as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, March 25.
Kristomei made this statement when answering a wartawa question about the pyramid of TNI personnel or HR management in the future in order to avoid the number of non-job officers in the future as a result of the new TNI Law.
The regulation will exist after the revision of the TNI Law which has been approved by the DPR RI was later issued into law by the government of President Prabowo Subianto.
"There will be derivative rules that regulate which ones can be extended (time of service, ed.), then which ones don't (or retire early, ed)," he said.
According to him, the derivative rules of the new TNI Law also regulate the acceleration of promotion, or positions.
"As stated by the TNI Commander, later the name will be the Battalion Commander (Danyon), the Brigade Commander, it must be younger than we are now when we served as Battalion Commander, for example," he explained.
He gave an example of a soldier like himself who had just become Danyon when he was 38 years old.
"Hopefully later at the age of 33, these younger siblings will be able to serve in the positions of the Battalion Commander, so that it is fresher (fresh). A combat Battalion Commander must be more fresh compared to age, for example 37 or 40 years," he said.
Therefore, he said that further mechanisms would be formulated by the TNI Headquarters following Article 53 of the new TNI Law.
Previously, Article 53 of the TNI Law which long regulated the service period of soldiers for non-commissioned and non-commissioned officers was a maximum of 53 years, while officers were up to 58 years old.
Then, the TNI Law which has just set the retirement age limit for non-commissioned officers and enlisted personnel is at most 55 years old, and officers up to the rank of colonel up to 58 years old.
One-star high-ranking officers (pati) can serve up to 60 years, two-star regents to 61 years old, and three-star regents can serve up to 62 years old.
Especially for four-star regents, they can retire at the age of 63 years, and can be extended a maximum of two times through the President's decision. For one extension a maximum of up to one year.
Thus, the four-star regent can retire at the age of 65 if he is extended by the President twice.
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