Diligent Hand Washing To Prevent COVID-19 Does Not Mean You Can Waste Water
Illustration (Pixabay)

JAKARTA - The government continues to echo hand washing movements during the corona virus pandemic or COVID-19. This appeal was made to prevent the spread of the corona virus from becoming more widespread.

Now, many residents wash their hands all the time to avoid the risk of transmission. However, what is not realized is that as many people wash their hands, more water is wasted as a result, especially without adhering to the principle of saving water.

According to a report by the cross-country cooperation agency, Water Environment Partnership in Asia (WEPA), Indonesia, which holds 6 percent of the world's water potential, is still at risk of experiencing water shortages. In addition, water is needed for washing hands during the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Head of the Jakarta Environmental Protection Agency (Kawali) said, Mardian, the recommendation to wash hands for 20 seconds to prevent the transmission of the corona virus at least contributes to the waste of 1.5 liters of water for one person per day.

"If a family has 5 family members, then at least 100 liters of water per day are only for washing hands. Not to mention the use of water for other needs," Mardian told reporters, Monday, April 13.

Mardian does not suggest people stop washing their hands. However, he asked the public to save water by turning off the water tap during hand washing, which usually lasts 20 seconds.

"Use water as needed. Do not turn on the water tap for too long which can cause water to be wasted. If this is done, then you will help maintain the availability of water on this earth," he said.

In addition, Mardian also appealed to the government to provide education and understanding to the community to save water when washing their hands. This is for the sustainability of water availability in Indonesia.

For information, the number of positive cases in Indonesia is increasing. The additions have touched the number above 300 per day. As of Monday, April 13, currently the number of positive cases of COVID-19 in Indonesia has reached 4,557 people. 399 cases of COVID-19 have died and 380 people have been declared cured of the corona virus.

At each press conference at Graha BNPB, the government spokesperson for handling the COVID-19 virus Achmad Yurianto always includes a recommendation to wash hands, in addition to advice to prevent other COVID-19 transmission.

"Let's protect anyone who is vulnerable by not leaving the house. If there is something important that cannot be left behind and must leave the house, use a mask. Do not touch your eyes, mouth and nose before washing your hands thoroughly using soap with flowing water, "said Yuri.

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