JAKARTA - The case of mistreatment of a household assistant (ART) with the initials S (25) on Jalan Kunci, Pulogadung, East Jakarta, has been upgraded to the investigation stage by the East Jakarta Metro Police.
"We have coordinated with the investigators (Banyumas Police) there to ask for information from the victim. The case is already under investigation, we have upgraded it to the investigation stage," said East Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Nicolas Ary Lilipaly to reporters, Monday, March 24.
Currently, East Jakarta Metro Police investigators have secured a number of evidences in the form of CCTV and examined a number of witnesses related to the incident.
"The evidence that we have secured is CCTV and also witnesses who know that the victim was abused by her employer. She (victim S) works as a housemaid who is suspected of being abused by her employer," he said.
Furthermore, today the alleged perpetrator has been summoned for questioning at the East Jakarta Metro Police.
However, this effort was canceled because the attorney for the alleged perpetrator asked to be postponed.
"For the reported person, the alleged perpetrator, we have sent an invitation letter for clarification. However, today his lawyer asked to be rescheduled," he said.
Even so, the East Jakarta Metro Police will conduct an examination of the perpetrators this week so that the disclosure of the case will be completed immediately.
"For this process, this Sunday we will conduct an examination of the alleged perpetrator," he said.
Previously, a household assistant (ART) or household assistant (PRT) with the initials S experienced abuse allegedly by her employer in the Pulogadung area, East Jakarta. The news was confirmed by local residents and the police.
The complex security officer, Anto, said that the incident was already known to him from his next door neighbor.
"We know that the incident happened from a neighbor next door, he said there was persecution next to the house. And they fled out of the house, we don't know. According to other residents, he said they were escorted, until now (victim S) has not returned home (majinnya)," Anto told reporters, Monday, March 24.
Anto said that incidents of abuse have often occurred. Even the perpetrators have often changed their assistants and similar incidents are increasingly repeated.
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