JAKARTA - The travel entry and exit permit (SIKM) during the Eid homecoming ban in 2021 is rumored to be canceled. Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta, Ahmad Riza Patria, admitted that he did not know yet, and would check on this.

"Regarding SIKM, we will check again. Tomorrow we will have a meeting with Polda Metro. Later we will check again what is the policy," said Deputy Governor Riza at City Hall DKI, Central Jakarta, Monday, April 26.

However, what Riza knows, SIKM, which is a requirement for travelers, is still enforced during the elimination of homecoming from May 6 to 17, 2021.

"So far, the policy, as we know on the 6th to 17th, has implemented SIKM. But if there is information, the desire to be replaced or another way is sought, later we will discuss it again with Polda Metro," he said.

Previously, Dirlantas Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Sambodo Purnomo Yogo admitted that he heard that the DKI Pemprov had not implemented SIKM.

"The one who issued SIKM from there, from the local government, not from us. In fact, we heard that it was not enforced, but just check with the Kadishub, "he said.

VOI tried to confirm the news about the cancellation of SIKM to the Head of the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency (Kadishub) Syafrin Liputo. However, until now Syafrin has not been contacted.

For information, the Chairperson of the COVID-19 Handling Task Force Doni Monardo has allowed parties exempted from this year's Eid homecoming ban to travel. However, the requirements must have SIKM.

"People's trips during the month of Ramadan and Eid Al-Fitr are exempted for logistics distribution service vehicles and travelers with urgent needs for non-travelers," said Doni in Circular Letter Number 13 of 2021.

There are also excluded reasons for work / official travel, visits from sick families, visits from grief of deceased family members, pregnant women who are accompanied by one family member, and the interest of childbirth accompanied by a maximum of two people.

Then, people traveling across cities / regencies / provinces / countries during the month of Ramadan and Idul Fitri are required to have a printed travel permit letter or SIKM as a requirement to travel.

The requirement for making SIKM for employees of government agencies, BUMN / BUMD, TNI soldiers, and members of the National Police is to attach a print out of a written permit from an Echelon II level official equipped with a handshake signature and the identity of the prospective traveler.

"For private employees, attach a print out of a written permit from the company leadership, complete with the signature of the company leader and the identity of the prospective traveler," he said.

Then, for informal sector workers, attach a print out of a written permit from the village head / lurah which is equipped with a wet signature / electronic signature of the village / lurah head as well as the identity of the prospective traveler.

Meanwhile, for the non-working general public, attach a print out of a written permit from the village head / lurah which is equipped with a wet signature / electronic signature of the village / village head and the identity of the prospective traveler.

"SIKM applies individually, is valid for one round trip, and is mandatory for adult travelers aged 17 years and over," he explained.

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