JAKARTA - The younger brother of the former spokesman for the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Febri Diansyah, Fathroni Diansyah, did not fulfill the summons of the anti-corruption commission investigators today, Monday, March 24.
This was conveyed by Febri representing his younger brother. He said the postponement letter had been sent to the KPK because Fathroni had already scheduled activities.
Meanwhile, Fathroni was summoned as a witness in the money laundering case (TPPU) of the former Minister of Agriculture (Mentan) Syahrul Yasin Limpo or SYL.
"The information submitted this morning he sent a letter to the KPK, which essentially respects the summons as a witness. However, he asked for a reschedule because the letter was only received by H-1 on Sunday and there were several other activities today," Febri told reporters in a written statement, Monday, March 24.
"One of today's activities is a meeting with the team of analysts and the legal assistance support team for the case of Mr. Hasto Kristiyanto because Fathroni Diansyah is also included in the team," he continued.
Febri on that occasion also confirmed that his younger brother had joined Visi Law or the law firm he founded with former ICW researcher Donal Fariz in 2020. However, Fathroni has the status of a merchant.
"During legal assistance in the SYL case, he was carrying out an advisory internship at the Visi Law Office. It was only since the end of 2024 that we established Diansyah and Partner Law Firm," said the lawyer.
Meanwhile, KPK spokesman Tessa Mahardhika admitted that she had not been informed about Fathroni's request for a postponement. "There is no information yet from the investigation task force whether the person concerned confirmed his absence or not," he confirmed separately.
As previously reported, the KPK has examined Rasamala Aritonang who joined the law firm, Visi Law last week. In addition, investigators also searched the office in the Pondok Indah area, South Jakarta.
This forced effort was carried out in connection with the money laundering case (TPPU) that ensnared former Minister of Agriculture (Mentan) Syahrul Yasin Limpo (SYL).
KPK Director of Investigation Asep Guntur Rahayu has spoken about this search. He said SYL was suspected of paying for the services of lawyers using extortion and gratuities so that investigators from the anti-corruption commission needed to look for evidence.
"We are currently handling SYL's TPPU case. In the money laundering case, of course, we will track where the money suspected of being the proceeds of corruption flows," said KPK Investigation Director Asep Guntur Rahayu at the KPK's Merah Putih building, Kuningan Persada, Jakarta, Thursday, March 20.
"Well, we suspect that the money from SYL's corruption was used to pay. So we checked there," he continued.
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