JAKARTA - The Indosurya Cooperative was dragged into the realm of law by a customer because it was considered to have committed a fraud. The reason was that the savings and loan cooperative could not return the Rp. 1.4 billion previously deposited.

The cooperative's reporting or customer is named Rayong Djunaedi. He felt cheated and decided to report to Polda Metro Jaya. This report is also registered under the number LP / 2229 / IV / YAN.2.5 / 2020 / SPKT PMJ.

This case started when Rayong made two deposits of Rp. 200 million and 1.2 billion. Several months later, he tried to withdraw the money. However, the cooperative cannot pay it.

"The total loss reached Rp1.4 billion, divided from Rp. 200 million for 1 month deposits and Rp1.2 billion for the next 6 months. I observed two hundred million interest in January, after that I did not enjoy February," said Rayong in Jakarta. , Monday, April 13th.

For various reasons, continued Rayong, the cooperative was deemed to be delaying the disbursement period. So, Rayong thought the cooperative could not pay the money and decided to report it to the police.

"I asked for it to be disbursed, then from Indosurya he said he could not pay it had to be postponed, so he wanted it unilaterally," said Rayong.

In addition, the reporting attorney, Alvin Lim, said that the case was not considered because the cooperative failed to pay. According to him, the reported party was deemed to have had the objective of committing the criminal act of fraud.

"So this is not a default, but there is embezzlement, why? Because this form is not in debt, this is a deposit of funds. If we leave the goods, they cannot be returned, it means that there is embezzlement and has entered into a criminal element," said Alvin.

This suspicion was also strengthened by the number of customers who were deceived by a similar mode. About 10 people who have become victims. However, only his client decided to make a police report.

Photo: (Special document)

This, he said, was due to threats from the cooperative about not withdrawing the money if their customers reported them to the police. For that reason, Alvin encouraged other victims to make a police report. In fact, his party also opened a special free consultation hotline for victims.

"We have formed a post consisting of a number of lawyers from several law firms to help people who are victims of fraudulent investment mode fraud, by calling the hotline number 0818899800," said Alvin.

Meanwhile, confirmed separately, the Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Pol Yusri Yunus confirmed the matter of the report. However, this case is still under investigation.

"It's still under investigation," said Yusri.

With the existence of this report, the reported party, namely the Indosurya Cipta Savings and Loan Cooperative, is suspected of having a legal article, namely Article 378 of the Criminal Code or Article 372 of the Criminal Code and or Article 374 of the Criminal Code regarding fraud or embezzlement or in office.

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