The investigation team of the Deputy Attorney General for Special Crimes (Jampidsus) of the Attorney General's Office continues to investigate allegations of corruption at Pertamina. On Friday, March 21, 2025, investigators examined six witnesses, including the President Director of a beneficiary company suspected of being related to Riza Chalid's oil merchant family.

Five of the six witnesses came from Pertamina's subsidiary, ranging from PT Patra Niaga to PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional. Meanwhile, another witness came from the private sector who was suspected of enjoying the benefits of this scandal.

Those examined included IR, Pjs. VP Feedstock Management of PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional in September 2023; Alfian Nasution, President Director of PT Patra Niaga in 2021; and RW, VP Procurement and Asset Management of PT Pertamina International Shipping.

After being questioned for more than 12 hours, Alfian Nasution was concerned about his statement to investigators. "Asked about the main tasks. Just ask the investigators," he said briefly at the Kartika Building, the Attorney General's Office.

Nine Suspects Named

Previously, the Attorney General's Office had named nine suspects in this case. Six of them are high-ranking subsidiary or subholding Pertamina, namely:

Riva Siahaan (President Director of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga)

Yoki Firnandi (President Director of PT Pertamina International Shipping)

Sani Dinar Saifuddin (Director of Feedstock and Product Optimization of PT Refinery Pertamina Internasional)

Agus Purwono (VP Feedstock Management of PT Pertamina International Refinery)

Maya Kusmaya (Director of Central Marketing and Commercial Marketing of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga)

Edward Corne (VP Trading Operation of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga)

In addition, three brokers were also named as suspects:

Muhammad Kerry Adrianto Riza (Beneficial Owner of PT Navigator Equator)

Dimas Werhaspati (Commissioner of PT Navigator Equatorial & PT Jenggala Maritime)

Gading Ramadhan Joedo (Commissioner of PT Jenggala Maritime & President Director of PT Orbit Terminal Merak)

The Attorney General's Office estimates that the alleged state loss due to this case will reach IDR 193.7 trillion in 2023. Investigators continue to explore the flow of funds and the parties involved in this corruption scandal.

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