Research Reveals Korean Red Ginseng Helps Improve Vaccine Performance
Illustration of Gingseng. (Wikimedia Commons/Richardfabi)

JAKARTA - Korean red ginseng is getting attention again amid the incessant COVID-19 vaccination campaign that is taking place globally. This is because Korean red ginseng, based on a number of studies, improves vaccine performance.

Domestically, the South Korean authorities, through the Korea Ginseng Corporation (KGC), a state-owned company, are trying to collect back relevant research results related to red ginseng, as an education to the public.

One of these studies is the correlation between red ginseng intake and the survival rate of mice when exposed to respiratory viruses.

2012 'Journal of Medicinal Food' report entitled 'The Protective Effect of Korean Red Ginseng Extract Against Influenza H1N1 and H3N2 Influenza Viruses in Mice'.

The results showed that mice given concentrated red ginseng extract for 14 days developed higher immunity than those not given red ginseng extract. The first group also had less inflammatory response.

ilustrasi ginseng
Gingseng illustration. (Wikimedia Commons / Richardfabi)

Meanwhile, in the 'Journal of Ginseng Research' report in 2019, a report entitled, 'Korean Red Ginseng Increases the Efficacy of the Pneumococcal Pep27 Vaccine by Inhibiting the Production of Reactive Oxygen Species'.

The report found that mice given concentrated red ginseng extract took less time to develop immunity than those not before both groups were given the pep27 vaccine and were exposed to the virus.

"The study helps explain how ginseng improves vaccine performance and can contribute to people around the world to lead healthy lives," said KGC, launching the Korea Times, Monday, April 26.

KGC noted that various health benefits of red ginseng have been approved by the South Korean Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, including fighting fatigue, boosting the immune system and improving memory and blood circulation.

In 2020, KGC signed a memorandum of understanding with the International Vaccine Institute to jointly develop immune boosters.

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