The ratification of the TNI Bill into law invited public protests. The demonstration against the TNI Bill in front of the main gate of the DPR RI Building led to clashes between the demonstrators and the officers on guard since Thursday, March 20 morning.

Masses of demonstrations clashed with the authorities until the evening. Starting from throwing stones to firecrackers at the officers who were rewarded with water cannon sprays. This demonstration escalated even more after the masses managed to tear the iron fence of the DPR RI building until it collapsed.

The crowd also continued to wave at the authorities with a number of objects. The action was heating up until Thursday night, March 20 at 19.44 WIB.

From observations in the field, a number of victims fell and overwhelmed the medical team. It was even seen that a number of students were brought together by their colleagues to take them to a safer place. It is not yet known how many victims were in the clashes.

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