YOGYAKARTA Entrepreneurship in the village cannot be underestimated. The results obtained are not inferior to the business results in the city. To get business returns that are equivalent to opening a business in the city, you just need to know what promising businesses are in the village, namely by considering many things such as the needs of the average community, trend, and so on.
This article will provide some promising picture of business in villages that you can do. Check out the following explanation.
Building a business in the village is sometimes not as easy as opening a business in urban areas. This happens because there are many things such as population density, access to information, culture, and much more. However, there are some businesses that are quite promising to open in rural areas, namely as follows.
Agriculture and livestock are still promising business lines in the village. The reason is, many rural communities work as farmers and breeders. Therefore, the needs related to agriculture and livestock are quite well sold. You can sell fertilizers, agricultural tools such as hoes, or you can also sell livestock vitamins.
Unlike urban environments that have many malls or supermarkets, rural communities seek their daily needs in grocery stores. Naturally, grocery stores in rural areas are still selling well until now. You can sell some daily necessities such as basic necessities, clothes, toiletries, and much more.
rural communities still need digital products such as internet vouchers, credits, and electricity tokens. On the other hand, rural communities are still dominated by people who are not very familiar with online buying and selling platforms. As a way out, people will give this need through physical stores.
Like grocery stores, electronics stores are no less promising to open in rural areas. This store usually sells household electronic products such as refrigerators, fans, televisions, water pumps, and even electric bicycles. For products to sell quickly, try to do market research such as finding out what electronic needs are most needed.
The needs of rural communities for machinery and vehicles are sometimes higher than that of people in urban areas. In rural areas, people not only need vehicles but machines that support their activities in farming and raising livestock. For example, farmers need a rice hijacking tractor.
Or breeders need a grass pedicab machine for their animal feed. These machines need to be repaired to keep them functioning properly. From here the opportunity to open an engine repair shop and vehicles in rural areas can be utilized.
Those are some promising businesses in the village. Visit VOI.id to get more interesting information.
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