JAKARTA - The Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) established restitution for IA and R, the shooting victims of three members of the Indonesian Navy at the KM 45 Rest Area of the Merak-Tangerang Toll Road, worth Rp1,135,142,900 (Rp1.1 billion).

Deputy Chairperson of LPSK Sri Nurherwati in a confirmed statement in Jakarta, Wednesday, said that the restitution decision or compensation value was a tangible form of state protection against the rights of victims of crime.

"The team based on requests for victims' suffering which was then judged based on various legally recognized aspects. Restitution is not just compensation, but also part of recovery for victims and their families," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, March 19.

The restitution was decided in the LPSK Leadership Court Session. The total restitution covers Rp842,434,500 for victims of IA who died, while victim R who suffered a gunshot wound received a restitution of Rp292,708,400.

According to Nurherwati, restitution is the right of victims that must be fulfilled.

Therefore, he hopes that the panel of judges who hear the case can grant restitution worth the amount calculated by LPSK.

He explained that the value of losses was based on compensation for loss of wealth or income in the form of transportation and consumption costs incurred during maintenance and legal processes, as well as loss of income.

In addition, losses are also calculated for reimbursement of medical treatment costs and compensation, both material and immaterial which are caused by suffering due to criminal acts.

Calculations of compensation for IA and R consist of material losses, such as rental car installment fees, employee salaries, medical care, to loss of income, as well as immaterial losses for victims who died and gunshot wounds victims.

Nurherwati detailed that the payment of restitution is the responsibility of a number of parties involved in criminal acts. Details of restitution paid by each party are different.

The restitutions paid by the perpetrators for victims of IA, among others, Bambang Apri Atmojo (the shooter) was Rp. 209,633,500, Akbar Adli (the owner of the firearm) was Rp. 147,133,500, and Rafsin Hermawan (related to detention) was Rp. 147,133,500.

Then, Isra Bin (late) Sugiri (car sales intermediary) Rp84,633,500, im Hilmi (car rental vehicle) Rp84,633,500, Ajat Sudrajat (car driver) Rp84,633,500, and Rohman (car sales intermediary) Rp84,633,500.

Meanwhile, the restitution paid by the perpetrator for victim R, namely Bambang Apri Atmojo (the shooter) Rp. 146,354,200, Akbar Adli (the owner of the firearm) Rp. 73,177,100, and Rafsin Hermawan (related to detention) Rp. 73,177,100.

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