KOBAR - The West Kotawaringin Regency Government (Kobar), Central Kalimantan (Kalteng) has limited the operational time of freight transportation as an effort to create security, safety, order, and smooth traffic in Pangkalan Bun City.
Head of the Transportation Agency, Kobar Amir Hadi, said that the limitation of operating hours refers to Law Number 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation, including Regional Regulations of Kobar Number 16 of 2014 concerning Public Order and Public Peace.
"The goal is to reduce the potential for traffic disruption due to goods transport vehicles during dense hours of community activity," said Amir at Pangkalan Bun, Antara, Wednesday, March 19.
The operational restrictions on the transportation of goods in the local area are strengthened by the issuance of a Circular (SE) regarding the limitation of operating hours of goods transportation vehicles by the Regent of West Kotawaringin, Nurhidayah.
Amir explained, there are several types of goods transport vehicles whose operations are limited, including Vehicles with Amount Of Weight Allowed (JBB) of more than 10 tons, Vehicles with a length of more than 9 meters and a width of more than 2.2 meters.
"Including sand or soil transport vehicles without cover of cargo and transportation vehicles of palm fruit that exceed the allowed transportation," he said.
Amir Hadi said that the circular was informed that goods transport vehicles were prohibited from crossing the Pangkalan Bun City area from 05.30 WIB to 21.00 WIB. Where at these hours is a busy time for people to carry out their activities.
"So, we urge all operators of goods transport vehicles not to pass these hours for the safety and smooth running of traffic," he said.
The Head of the Transportation Agency emphasized that every violation of the provisions in the Circular Letter will be subject to sanctions in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. For this reason, it is hoped that the community using roads in Pangkalan Bun City can be more comfortable and safe in their activities.
"Supervision and enforcement of regulations will be carried out by the Police, the Transportation Service, and the Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP)," said Amir Hadi.
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