The Joint SAR Team found a 65-year-old grandfather who was missing while fishing in the waters of Lowu-Lowu, Baubau City, Southeast Sulawesi Province (Sultra). The victim was found dead.

Head of Basarnas Kendari Aminuddin PS said the elderly named Zamitu was found during the search operation on the second day by the Joint SAR Team.

"At 07.20 WITA the Joint SAR Team continued the search, and at 08.55 WITA the victim was found dead," Aminuddin said when contacted Tuesday, March 18, confiscated by Antara.

He said the victim was found dead about 0.56 nautical miles southwest of his last estimated location.

"Furthermore, the victim was evacuated and taken to the funeral home to be handed over to the family," he said.

Aminuddin revealed that with the discovery of the victim dead, the SAR operation The ship accident against one person who fell from his boat while going fishing was declared complete and closed.

"All elements involved in the search are returned to their respective units," said Aminuddin.

The elements involved in the search included the Operations Staff of the Kendari Basarnas, SAR Baubau, Polair Baubau, Pos AL Baubau, PMI Baubau, the surrounding community, and the families of the victims.

Previously, it was reported that the Baubau SAR Post Rescue Team was looking for an elderly man who was missing while fishing around the Lowu-lowu Waters, Baubau City, southeast Sulawesi Province.

Head of Basarnas Kendari Aminuddin PS said the elderly were named Zamitu (65), a resident of Kolese Village, Lea-lea District, Baubau City, who was first reported missing by local residents, at 10.40 WITA.

"We received information from residents who reported that there had been a ship accident, where one person fell from his boat while going fishing around the Lowu-lowu waters," he said.

He said that based on the report, his party then dispatched the Baubau SAR Post Rescue Team to go to the location to provide SAR assistance to the victims, at 11.00 WITA.

"The distance to that location is about 7.29 nautical miles from the Baubau SAR Post," he said.

He explained that his party together with the Joint SAR Team were conducting a search operation for victims.

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