JAKARTA - Formula E Operation (FEO) Project Director Gemma Roura said the Formula E event in Jakarta shows that fans of the best electric car race are in Indonesia.

This was revealed by Gemma when explaining the differences in the implementation of Jakarta E-Prix or Formula E in Jakarta compared to cities in a number of other countries.

"The most special thing is fans. It means that Indonesian fans are the best fans in the world. That's for sure," Gemma told reporters, Tuesday, March 18.

So, from the implementation of Formula E with Jakarta, which has twice hosted, Gemma claims, it makes the number and enthusiasm of electric car racing fans increase.

"So we have this community engagement which is new and can be sustainable. This is considered the best future reach," he said.

Previously, the sale of the 2025 Formula E early bird ticket in Jakarta was opened. The purchase of the early fuel Formula E ticket was carried out at the 2025 Indonesia International Motor Show (IIMS), JIExpo Kemayoran.

Jakarta E-Prix 2025 Project Director Deni Rifky Purwana said that this year's early fuel Formula E category tickets were sold out.

"Kita meluncurkan early bird di acara IIMS. Itu langsung terhabis ratusan tiket, lebih dari 500 tiket itu langsung habis. Setelah ini, tidak akan ada lagi tiket yang di-discount," ungkap Deni.

This year's Formula E is said to have introduced the launch of the latest racing car, Gen 3 Evo, whose acceleration is now capable of exceeding the speed of the Formula 1 car. The Gen 3 Evo race car is designed with acceleration from 0-60 miles/hour in 1.82 seconds.

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