TANGERANG A total of 554 Indonesian citizens (WNI) were rescued from the online scam network in Myanmar. However, a number of victims were reported to have been injured due to physical violence experienced during confinement.
The Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam), Budi Gunawan, revealed that several victims experienced physical violence such as beatings and spectrum.
"The victims who are workers from Indonesia have experienced various pressures and physical violence such as blows and spectrum," Budi told reporters at Soekarno-Hatta Airport, Tuesday, March 18.
In addition to physical violence, the victims are also threatened with taking their organs if they do not reach the target set by the perpetrators.
"They are threatened with taking their organs if the target given by the dealers cannot be met," said Budi.
Budi added that the victims were like being held hostage because they were not allowed to communicate with their families and their passports were forcibly confiscated.
Their passport was taken, and they are prohibited from communicating with their families. Based on the existing indications and clues, it is very strongly suspected that this is part of a hostage-taking in a large or massive scale scamming online mafia network," he explained.
Meanwhile, the Minister of Protection for Indonesian Migrant Workers (P2MI), Abdul Kadir Karding, revealed that the victims were forced to work without knowing the very minimal hours of rest.
They work without knowing the time, day and night. If caught resting or sleeping, they will be tortured. The rest time given is only about 23 hours," said Abdul Kadir.
In addition, victims are also given certain targets that must be achieved every day. If these targets are not achieved, they will be tortured by the perpetrators.
"They are targeted to have to get a certain number of people or a nominal amount of money every day. If they are not achieved, they will be beaten," he added.
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