JAKARTA - Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, received an audience of a number of activists who are members of civil society groups to voice rejection of the TNI Bill.

Those who visited the DPR building were figures who supported the petition for rejection of the TNI Bill.

The figures are activists Halida Hatta, Sumarsih, Natalia Soebagjo, lawyer Saor Siagian, Rial Hayat from Gusdurian Jakarta, Usman Hamid from Amnesti, Bedjo Untung as the head of the 1965 Murder Victim Research Foundation (YPKP), and others.

In a meeting held in the meeting room of Commission I of the DPR, Dasco was accompanied by the Chairman of Commission I of the DPR Utut Adianto and Deputy Chairman of Commission I Budi Djiwandono.

Dasco said the hearing with the civil society coalition went smoothly. In the dialogue, he said, the DPR and the civil society coalition built an understanding regarding the revision of the TNI Law.

"God willing, I think there will be a common ground. And we will do this not only this time, for then every discussion on the revision of the law," Senayan parliament complex, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, March 18.

"We provide an explanation as well as accommodating because from yesterday the discussions have been intense," he continued.

Previously, the Civil Society Coalition expressed rejection of the contents in the revision of the TNI Law. They assessed that the revision of the TNI Law allowed the military to actively occupy civilian positions and weaken democracy.

They assessed that the agenda of changing the TNI Law has the potential to restore military dyafunction as practiced by the New Order (Orba) regime.

"The agenda for revising the TNI Law will actually weaken the military professionalism itself and have the potential to restore the TNI's Dwifunction where the active military will be able to occupy civilian positions," said a civil coalition statement received on Saturday, March 15, evening.

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