JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) stated that the floods that hit parts of South, East and West Jakarta, expanded and submerged 34 neighborhood units (RT).
"At 09.00 WIB the flood inundated 29 RTs, the latest data was at 10.00 WIB 34 RT," said Head of the DKI Jakarta BPBD Data and Information Center (Kapusdatin) Mohamad Yohan confirmed, Tuesday, March 18.
According to him, the flooding that occurred at several points in South, East and West Jakarta was due to heavy rains on Monday (17/3) night and also the overflow of the Ciliwung River and Angke River.
He explained that the addition of flood points occurred in South Jakarta from the previous four RTs to 11 RTs from three affected villages.
Floods in South Jakarta themselves occurred in Pejaten Timur, Rawajati, and Cipulir sub-districts along the Ciliwung River.
"For the water level at that point, Yohan continued, starting from 40 centimeters (cm) to 1.9 meters," he said.
Meanwhile, East Jakarta is located in 21 RTs out of seven urban villages, namely Lubang Buaya Village, Bidara Cina, Kampung Melayu, Balekambang, Cawang, Cililitan, and Cipinang Melayu Village.
The water level starts from 30 cm to 2.5 meters and it occurs in two RTs in Cililitan Village.
Yohan said, while in other areas such as West Jakarta it was still the same, namely in two RTs in Rawa Buaya Village, with a water level of 35 cm, the flooding in the location was caused by high rainfall and overflowing Angke River.
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