Karo Penmas, Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Trunoyudo Wisnu Andiko, stated that the crime scene was processed to find clues and evidence to reveal the figure of the shooter.

"The Lampung Regional Police personnel are still conducting investigations in the form of TKP processing and support for the Way Kanan Police," Trunoyudo told reporters, Monday, March 18.

Meanwhile, the victims are said to have been at the Bhayangkara Police Hospital in Lampung. The plan is for their bodies to be autopsied.

"Focus on the victim for an autopsy," said Trunoyudo.

As previously reported, three policemen were killed while raiding the practice of cockfighting gambling in Karang Manik Village, Batin State District, Way Kanan Regency, Lampung Province. All three died as a result of being shot.

The Head of Public Relations of the Lampung Police, Kombes Yuni Iswandari, confirmed the death of the three police officers. Currently, the deepening process is underway.

"It is true that the shooting incident occurred," said Yuni.

The three policemen who died were the Batin State Police Chief IPTU Lusiyanto, Bripka Petrus, and Bripda Ghalib. They were shot in the head.

There are allegations that the perpetrators of the shooting were TNI personnel. Regarding this matter, Kapendam II/Sjw Colonel Inf Eko Syah Putra Siregar, who confirmed that he was still investigating it.

"Bahwa informasi yang ada sedang dalam proses penyelidikan penyidikan lebih lanjut di lapangan," ujar Eko.

Jika nantinya ditemukan keterlibatan prajurit pada kasus itu, ditegaskan sanksi akan diberikan. Tentunya sesuai aturan yang berlaku.

"In the future, if there is involvement of individuals, we will make sure there will be sanctions given," said Eko.

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