JAKARTA - Minister of State Secretary Prasetyo Hadi said the expansion of the TNI's placement in civilian positions in the discussion of the Draft Law (RUU) on Amendments to Law Number 34 of 2004 concerning the TNI following the times.

"In the times, we must learn that there are certain things that have not been regulated, right. Then we hope that in the future it can be regulated through laws so that if certain assignments occur, they are not considered to violate the law, approximately the spirit," said Prasetyo as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, March 17.

Prasetyo said this expansion was carried out in response to the times that demanded adjustments to the rules to accommodate new needs, including in areas that had not previously been regulated, such as cybersecurity.

He explained that the development of technology and global dynamics requires the TNI to have the ability in cyber warfare, which was previously not regulated in the old TNI Law.

"The development is once again in my opinion, the important thing is that the spirit is positive. We can find a way out, but if the spirit is negative, whatever is considered a counter, what is being done is always considered not good. Considered not true, we haven't started working on suspicion yet, it's a bit difficult if it's like that," he said.

However, Prasetyo admitted that in the process of revising the TNI Law, there were various inputs and criticisms from the public.

He said that democracy must be carried out with a constructive spirit and positive energy.

According to him, the public can convey input properly and carefully. The government remains open to all inputs.

"If there are elements of society who want to provide input, convey it well, constructively, of course, they must be careful, it must be clear what is polemic," he said.

For information, the amendment to Law Number 34 of 2004 will include increasing the age of the military service to the expansion of the placement of active soldiers in ministries/agencies.

Specifically, this revision aims to determine the increase in the age of service for soldiers up to 58 years for non-commissioned and non-commissioned officers.

Meanwhile, the official term for officers can reach the age of 60 years. In addition, there is a possibility that the official term will be extended to 65 years for soldiers who occupy functional positions.

Then, the revision of the TNI Law will also change the rules for placing active soldiers in ministries/agencies, considering the increasing need for the placement of TNI soldiers in ministries/agencies.

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