Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polkam) Budi Gunawan said the revision of the TNI Law was aimed at limiting the authority of military officers within civilian agencies.

"Through the revision of the TNI Law, it provides clearer limits on this matter," said Budi Gunawan as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, March 17.

The man who is familiarly called BG said that so far several active TNI officers have occupied certain positions in civilian agencies.

With this bill, like BG, TNI officers will have clear limits on their responsibilities and obligations while serving in other agencies.

BG said the TNI Bill would also not hinder civil rights in carrying out their duties in all ministries and institutions.

"The government once again emphasizes that the revision of the TNI Law is not intended to return the TNI to military functionality like in the past. So it is like that, don't worry about it," he said.

The DPR Working Committee (Panja) ratified the provisions of Article 47 regarding the TNI in civil office during the discussion of the TNI Bill.

In the proposal approved by the Panja, there are points of provisions on which civil office can be held by active TNI officers;

(Ayat 1)

Soldiers can hold positions in ministries/agencies in charge of coordinators in the fields of politics and national security, state defense including national defense councils, state secretariats that handle the affairs of the president's secretariat and military secretariats of the president, state intelligence, cyber and/or state codes, national security institutions, national search and rescue (SAR), national narcotics, border managers, marine and fisheries, disaster management, counterterrorism, maritime security, the Attorney General's Office of the Republic of Indonesia, and the Supreme Court.

Approved By Panja On March 15, 2025

Note: Giving a mandate for the government to provide an explanation that what is meant by the Attorney General of the Republic of Indonesia is the Deputy Attorney General for Military Crimes.

(Ayat 2)

"In addition to occupying positions at the ministry/institution office as referred to in paragraph (1), Soldiers can occupy other civilian positions after resigning or retiring from the active military service," Panja was quoted as saying.

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