TANGERANG - The South Tangerang Transportation Agency (Tangsel) admits that this year it will not hold a free homecoming program.
Head of the South Tangerang City Transportation Agency (Tangsel), Ayep Jajat, said that the funds that were originally prepared for free homecoming for this year, were decided to be allocated to other programs, one of which was public street lighting (PJU) to residential areas.
"It doesn't make homecoming free first. Because we still need it for other things that are more important," Ayep said when confirmed, Monday, March 17.
Moreover, with the increase in light points, it will automatically have an impact on electricity payments every year. Even the costs prepared for electricity financing reached Rp55 billion.
"As of the year, around 55 billion rupiahs," he said.
Therefore, the need for a budget to maintain this infrastructure is a top priority.
He also admitted that last year's free homecoming was quite in demand. However, with the efficiency of the budget, for now the priority is more urgent programs.
"The budget efficiency does exist in all sectors, especially for ceremonial activities and official travel. However, this will not interfere with the main programs of the Mayor of South Tangerang," he said.
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