Head of the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency, Syafrin Liputo, said that there were 2,848 intercity interprovincial (AKAP) buses prepared to take travelers to their hometowns this year.

"For the Lebaran holiday in 2025, the AKAP bus fleet, which was prepared as many as 2,846 units, involved 428 AKAP transportation operators," Syafrin told reporters, Sunday, March 16.

Thousands of buses will depart from the four main type A terminals in Jakarta, namely the Pulogebang Integrated Terminal, Kampung Rambutan Terminal, Kalideres Terminal and Tanjung Priok Terminal.

"In addition to the main terminal, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has also prepared 3 aid terminals, namely Lebak Bulus Terminal, Muara Angke Terminal and Grogol Terminal," said Syafrin.

Syafrin said that his party had carried out vehicle checks or rampchecks since March 1, 2025 at the terminal and at the pool of operators in each region. Rampcheck is carried out to ensure that public transportation facilities are feasible for operation.

The integrated transportation post for Eid al-Fitr in 2025 M/1446 H at the DKI Jakarta level is also prepared to monitor the flow of homecoming from March 21, 2025, to April 11, 2025.

The Head of the Traffic Corps (Kakorlantas) of the National Police, Inspector General of Police Agus Suryo Nugroho, estimates that the movement of the homecoming flow will begin next week following a policy of working from anywhere (WFA).

"Because there is a Government policy that started earlier, it is estimated that the policy on WFA will be carried out online, it is estimated that the travelers will decompose from the start," said Agus, Saturday, March 15.

The National Police Headquarters will carry out Ketupat Operations from March 23 to April 8, 2025, specifically for Java, Lampung, and Bali. For other areas, he said, Operation Ketupat will still be carried out on March 26, 2025.

The WFA policy has been announced by the Government that it can be carried out for state civil servants (ASN) from March 24, 2025. For this reason, Kakorlantas predicts that the movement of the homecoming flow will start on March 19, 2025.

"It is estimated that on March 22, 21, 20, and 19, people have started to move to go home," he said.

Even so, he could not confirm whether the habit of going home for D-3 Lebaran would occur after the WFA policy. This will be confirmed through traffic counting on national and toll roads.

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