JAKARTA - The government of Saudi Arabia has promised a number of things so that the moratorium on Indonesian migrant workers (PMI) to their countries is revoked. Among other things, giving the lowest salary of 1,500 riyals to insurance and division of working hours.
This was conveyed by the Minister of Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers (P2MI) Abdul Kadir Karding who had met with Saudi Arabia. He said, there was already a guarantee of welfare and health that would be given to workers from Indonesia.
"Evidence one, God willing, we have agreed on a minimum salary of 1,500 Riyals. Second, there is protection of health insurance, life insurance, and employment insurance. There is a time distribution, working hours, overtime hours and break hours," Karding said as quoted from a written statement, Saturday, March 15.
The moratorium or prohibition for PMIs working in Saudi Arabia has been in effect since 2015. This decision was taken by the Indonesian government because of the lack of protection for citizens who complained about their fate there.
"I as the minister explained that the protection in Saudi Arabia is now very good," he said.
Furthermore, Karding said that the revocation of the moratorium could be a way to protect PMI. It is hoped that the number of illegal departures to Saudi Arabia can decrease in the future.
"That the cause of the problems experienced by Indonesian migrant work is 90-95 percent because he departed illegally," he said.
Previously, Karding had asked President Prabowo Subianto for direct consideration regarding the discourse on the revocation of the moratorium on the placement of PMIs to Saudi Arabia on Friday, March 14. He came to the State Palace, Jakarta at that time.
As a result, Prabowo approved the policy because of the potential for trillions of foreign exchange remittances that the state could obtain. In the future, the governments of Indonesia and Saudi Arabia will sign a memorandum of understanding (MoU) in Jeddah.
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