JAKARTA - Portugal has the opportunity to replace the old American-made F-16 fighter jet with a European-made jet, not the F-35, following the change in US President Donald Trump's policy.
Portuguese Defense Minister Nuno Melo told the Portuguese newspaper Publico the unpredictable nature of Trump's policies against NATO and Europe could determine the country's choice of aircraft.
"The recent US stance in the context of NATO and international geostrategic dimensions makes us think about the best choice, because the predictability of our allies is a factor that must be taken into account," he said.
Trump's clear move towards Russia during his second term at the White House has shocked traditional NATO allies in Europe.
Trump also demanded that EU NATO members increase their defense budget and question the country's main funding for NATO.
"Our allies, who have behaved in predictable ways over the decades, could impose restrictions on the use, maintenance, components, and all those associated with aircraft operations," continued Melo, a member of Portugal's center-right government, who this week moved to temporary position ahead of the general election on May 18.
Melo said his country did not rule out possible F-35 acquisitions but was being considered along with "other models available in Europe" as part of a process that is still in its early stages.
"The current geopolitical context shows the need to strengthen the pillars of NATO's defense in Europe, and that includes strengthening each other's production in the defense sector," the ministry continued.
The European Commission wants EU countries to outline their most pressing defense needs and launch "large-scale pan-European flagship projects" to allow Europe to defend itself against potential Russian attacks.
The European Commission said European equipment should be purchased whenever possible.
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