JAKARTA - Investigators from the Narcotics Directorate of the Riau Islands Police are investigating the role of Brigadier SS and his wife AA in drug crimes by conducting intensive examinations of both of them.
"We are investigating (the role), there is time for investigators to explore the roles of the two as stated in Law Number 35 of 2019 concerning Drugs," said Head of Public Relations of the Riau Islands Police, Kombes Zahwani Pandra Arsyad, as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, March 12.
Brigadier SS was arrested on Thursday (6/3) in a boarding house in the Sei Panas area, Batam City, with his wife AA (28).
Both are reportedly involved in an international drug trafficking network from Malaysia.
Regarding the truth of the information, said Pandra, investigators are still investigating whether it has anything to do with international drug networks.
"It's being investigated," he said.
The arrest of Brigadier SS is the result of the development of the disclosure of drug cases that were successfully uncovered by Batam Customs and Excise at the Ferry International Batam Center Port on Wednesday (5/3).
The port officer suspects a passenger suspected of carrying 185 grams of drugs. The suspect has the initials PG.
From PG's statement, it was stated that the methamphetamine was sent on the orders of members of the Tanjungpinang Police.
"We continue to do a very intensive investigation because this route is a golden tree angle," said Pandra.
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