JAKARTA - After DKI Jakarta implemented Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB), now it is the turn for a number of capital buffer areas to do the same to prevent the spread of the corona virus or COVID-19.

West Java Provincial Governor Ridwan Kamil, for example, who declared the PSBB status for the City and Regency of Bogor, Depok City, and Bekasi City and District (Bodebek). This policy will be implemented on Wednesday, April 15 at 00.00 WIB for the next 14 days. The Regional Government of West Java Province will carry out the socialization of PSBB with district and city governments for two days starting from April 13-14.

"We coordinate and we set the PSBB in these five regions to start early Wednesday, April 15, 2020 for 14 days. After 14 days, we will evaluate or reduce the intensity, "Ridwan said in a written statement, Sunday, April 12.

The implementation of the PSBB in West Java will be different in each region. For Bekasi and Bogor Districts, the intensity of the application will be different because the sub-districts that are in the red zone will carry out the PSBB maximally by closing off access to these areas including limiting office, commercial, cultural and religious activities.

"In (areas) that are not in the red zone, the PSBB will adjust the minimum to medium level. Especially for the City of Bogor, the City of Depok and Bekasi will implement the term PSBB maximally, "said Ridwan.

He said that this PSBB was actually no different from what the community had been doing for some time. It's just that, now there are sanctions applied to those who violate the rules when the PSBB is implemented. "In the past, there were no sanctions. "With the PSBB, the legal apparatus is given the authority to impose sanctions," he said.

For industrial operations, the former Mayor of Bandung said that his party would soon issue a Decree (SK) containing a list of strategic industries that may operate as long as the restrictions are implemented while still providing a sense of security to employees.

Apart from West Java, Banten Province Governor Wahidin Halim has also stated that a number of areas have received approval to implement the PSBB from Health Minister Terawan Agus Putranto. This approval was given by Health Minister Terawan Agus Putranto through a Decree number HK.01.07 / MENKES / 249/2020 signed in Jakarta on Sunday, April 12.

"With the issuance of this decree, Banten for Tangerang Raya which covers the areas of Tangerang Regency, Tangerang City and South Tangerang will officially implement the PSBB system," Wahidin wrote in his official Instagram account @wh_wahidinhalim.

Pros and cons of the Jabodetabek PSBB

After the determination of the PSBB in the Jabodetabek area, the pros and cons came. There are those who consider the PSBB to be implemented too late because some people have gone home or have left Jabodetabek, but there are also those who consider the opposite. This is because the implementation of the PSBB needs to be carefully thought through for its technical implementation.

Public policy observer from Padjajaran University (Unpad) Yogi Suprayogi assessed that the implementation of the PSBB in the Jabodetabek area is actually not too late even though many people have returned to their hometowns.

"In my opinion, it's not (late) actually. Because don't let the impact of COVID-19 have a systemic impact. I understand psychologically, friends in the government because of this COVID-19 can be finished after a few months, but the impact after that, which will be feared, "said Yogi when contacted by VOI via telephone, Sunday, April 12.

He then touched on the impact of the economic recession due to COVID-19 which could result in various conflicts including social conflicts. So, to prevent this, the implementation of the PSBB must of course be mature so that it does not have a broad impact.

"So we have to be careful not to have too big a social, economic and subsequent impact. Especially for friends in the village, "he said.

He also expressed optimism about the implementation of the PSBB in the Greater Jakarta area to prevent the spread of the corona virus. This is because, he assessed, the current restrictions in Jakarta have been successful because in the field there are not so many people interacting.

However, he still feels pessimistic if the government cannot solve logistical problems for the community, especially those who do not have regular income. Given the impact of this limitation will not only be felt for the next 14 days, but will be felt until conditions stabilize.

"I am optimistic that there will be order, but on the one hand I am also pessimistic if, for example, the logistics line or logistics management is not repaired," he said.

This observer assesses that if logistical assistance from the government is not properly managed and does not even touch informal workers, they may be forced to leave their homes to earn income.

"So, note for me, what kind of logistics management policy is for the affected friends. … This has not been regulated and this is what concerns me about the PSBB, ”he said.

Meanwhile, public policy observer from Trisakti University, Trubus Rahadiansyah, assessed that the implementation of the PSBB in the Jabodetabek area is actually too late to be implemented. This is because many people have gone home from the Jabodetabek area.

"It should have been from the start (it was enforced), we were screaming for a regulation. … So, finally it is too late and in fact (COVID-19) has spread everywhere, ”said Trubus.

He also assessed that this application would not significantly reduce the number of spread of COVID-19. He noted that there were three reasons that made this PSBB not optimal. First, there is no prohibition on going home, even though there are restrictions.

"Second, because the level of community discipline is relatively low. This is only limited, there are still sectors that are allowed to carry out activities even though there is law enforcement, "he said.

Third, Trubus touched on the role of the community in eradicating COVID-19. Massive socialization about this virus, he said, until now has not happened so that there are still people who underestimate it.

Not only that, he said that assistance was deemed unequal as one of the reasons why people were not ready if they were only at home.

"If the awareness and compliance of the community is not high, then I feel heavy (PSBB can prevent the spread of COVID-19), especially for people who are less well off," he said.

It is known, when a region has established the PSBB status, based on the Minister of Health Regulation (PMK) Number 9 of 2020, local governments can then close schools and workplaces, restrict religious, socio-cultural activities, activities in public places or facilities, restrictions on modes of transportation , and other activities specifically related to defense and security aspects.

Workplace vacation is exempted for strategic offices or agencies that provide services related to defense and security, public order, food needs, fuel oil and gas, health services, economy, finance, communications, industry, export and import, distribution, logistics, and necessities. other basic.

Restrictions on places or public facilities are exempted for supermarkets, minimarkets, markets, shops or places for the sale of medicines and medical equipment for food, staple goods, essential goods, fuel oil, gas and energy.

Restrictions on transportation modes are exempted for public or private modes of transportation of passengers by taking into account the number of passengers and maintaining the distance between passengers, as well as modes of transportation of goods by taking into account the fulfillment of the basic needs of the population.

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