JAKARTA - Jakarta DPRD Chairman Prasetyo Edi Marsudi has proposed closing gas stations during this year's Eid homecoming prohibition period, which is May 6-17, 2021.

Even though homecoming has been prohibited, Prasetyo thinks there will still be residents who are determined to return to their hometowns to celebrate Eid Al-Fitr 1442 Hijriah.

"To reduce the number of residents who are desperate to go home, the government can close gas stations. If there is no fuel for vehicles, residents cannot go anywhere," Prasetyo said in his statement, Friday, April 23.

However, to meet the travel needs that were allowed during the prohibition period, gas stations may be opened. With notes, serving refueling logistics vehicles or parties traveling for urgent needs.

Among them are the vehicles of the leadership of state high institutions; Operational service vehicles with TNI / POLRI service plates; Toll road officer operational service vehicle; Fire engines, ambulances and hearses; vehicles for emergency health, pregnant women and their nuclear families who will accompany them; etc.

"So, the SPBU will be guarded by officers. Private vehicles that do not get exemptions will not be served with vehicle refueling," added Prasetyo.

Previously reported, the Chairperson of the COVID-19 Handling Task Force Doni Monardo allowed parties exempted from this year's Eid homecoming ban to travel. However, the requirements must have SIKM.

"People's trips during the month of Ramadan and Eid Al-Fitr are exempted for logistics distribution service vehicles and travelers with urgent needs for non-travelers," said Doni in Circular Letter Number 13 of 2021.

There are also excluded reasons for work / official travel, visits from sick families, visits from grief of deceased family members, pregnant women who are accompanied by one family member, and the interest of childbirth accompanied by a maximum of two people.

Then, people traveling across cities / regencies / provinces / countries during the month of Ramadan and Idul Fitri are required to have a printed travel permit letter or SIKM as a requirement to travel.

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