JAKARTA - The Bogor City Government is trying to realize the existence of green open space (RTH) up to 30 percent in accordance with the mandate of statutory regulations.

"Fulfilling 30 percent of the RTH is not easy. Especially in the city of Bogor, which has a limited area and a fairly dense population," said Deputy Mayor of Bogor, Dedie A. Rachim, in Bogor, as reported by Antara, Friday, April 23.

According to Dedie, currently RTH in Bogor City is around 18 percent of the 30 percent RTH regulated in statutory regulations. "The achievement of 18 percent of the RTH has been carried out with various efforts," he said.

These efforts were made by the Bogor City Government, among others, by accelerating the process of handing over infrastructure, facilities and utilities (PSU) as well as handing over land for social facilities and public facilities (Fasos-fasum) from the developer.

Dedie said, there have been around 120 developers who have built in the city of Bogor for a long time, but only 70 developers have submitted PSU and social and social facilities.

"The homework of the regional head in the future is how to expand the green open space to reach 30 percent. In the existing green open space, it is maintained by making it a field and a park, which is planted with trees," he said.

According to Dedie, planting trees in RTH locations is to keep the city of Bogor green and fresh. "Therefore, the Bogor City Government prohibits illegal logging and does not comply with procedures," he said.

The laws and regulations that regulate an area having RTH of up to 30 percent include Law Number 26 of 2007 concerning Spatial Planning, as well as Presidential Regulation Number 60 of 2020 concerning Urban Spatial Plans for Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi, Puncak, and Cianjur (Jabodetabek-Punjur), as well as the Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs.

In Presidential Regulation Number 60 of 2020 concerning Urban Spatial Plans for Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi, Puncak, and Cianjur (Jabodetabek-Punjur) areas, it is mandatory for developers who build in a city administration area to provide RTH 30 percent of the total area. land that was built by the developer.

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