JAKARTA - The condition of Jalan Cililitan Kecil, Cawang, East Jakarta, after the flood, Thursday, March 6, can be seen that the remaining garbage is still piling up from the floods that hit residential areas since Tuesday, March 4 yesterday.

A number of residents who returned home were seen cleaning up the remains of the mud and piling up garbage from cleaning up on the side of the road. This piled up garbage will be taken by PPSU officers to a garbage truck under the Jalan Kalibata bridge.

According to Kasatpol PP Cawang Matnur Village, officers from PPSU have only collected flood waste since 8 am and 1 truck full of garbage has been collected and will then be thrown into the Bantar Gebang Bekasi Integrated Waste Disposal Site (TPST), West Java.

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