JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Pramono Anung took the time to visit the funeral home of a boy who died as a result of being swept away during a flood in the Tebet area, South Jakarta.
Arriving at his residence, Pramono also prayed for the departure of the three-year-old child. At the same time, the mother could not hold back tears while lamenting her child's body.
"This morning I visited a small bidadara who had just passed away. Athariz Alsaki bin Abidin was a flood victim who was swept away during the evacuation process. I am deeply sorry for the family left behind," said Pramono, Wednesday, March 5.
On that occasion, Pramono promised the ranks of the DKI Provincial Government to try to minimize the impact of the floods that inundated hundreds of RTs in Jakarta since Monday, March 3, until today.
"I will ensure that all parts of the Jakarta government continue to work hard so that the impact of flooding can be minimized immediately," he said.
For information, the boy with the initials A (3) who was swept away by the SAR team's rubber boat capsized during the evacuation was found dead. His body was found in Gang Perintis, Tebet, South Jakarta, in the early hours of Wednesday, March 5, after the flood began to recede.
Tebet Police Chief Kompol Murohih said the victim was found after the flood began to recede and the electricity returned to light in the area. Residents who were examining the surroundings saw the boy's body lying on their back near his house.
"After the overflow of the Ciliwung River receded drastically and PLN restarted electricity in the settlements, residents found the body of a small child lying on the back of his house," said Murodih.
The victim's body was then taken to the funeral home in the RW 10 Pioneer Gang, Kampung Baru Village, Tebet, for immediate burial.
This tragedy began when the SAR Team evacuated flood-affected residents using rubber boats. The boat carrying seven people, consisting of four SAR personnel and three residents, capsized due to the swift flood currents.
Two residents were rescued, but A was not found until finally his body was found dead.
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