YOGYAKARTA - Even though the government has carried out a ban, there are still many residents who are forcing themselves to go home on this year's Eid. According to a survey by the Research and Development Agency (Balitbang) of the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes), there are still residents who will carry out their homecoming a week and after the homecoming ban is enforced.

To avoid a spike in cases during the long holiday, the government has tightened travel requirements for before and after the Eid homecoming prohibition period.

This is recorded in the Addendum to Circular Letter Number 13 of 2021 regarding the elimination of the Idulfitri 1442 Hijriah homecoming. In this circular, travel requirements are tightened from D-14, the homecoming period is prohibited, namely April 22 to May 5 and D + 7 from May 18 to 24.

According to Wiku Adisasmito, Spokesperson for the Task Force for Handling COVID-19, every policy set by the government prioritizes the principles of people's safety during a pandemic. Thus, it is important to avoid an increase in cases that could lead to an increase in the burden on health facilities, as well as the resulting high number of fatalities.

Provisions and rules in the SE Task Force COVID-19 addendum

These provisions and regulations are divided into several forms of transportation, namely air, sea, rail and land transportation.

Air transportation travel

Those who will travel by air must show a negative result of the RT-PCR / rapid antigen test. Sampling is carried out within 1x24 hours before departure, besides that, you can also use a certificate of negative results for the GeNose C19 test at the airport before departure and fill out Indonesia's e-HAC.

Sea transportation travel

Must show a certificate of negative RT-PCR / rapid test antigen results, the sample of which is taken within 1x24 hours before departure, or a certificate of negative results for the GeNose C19 test at the port before departure and fill out e-HAC Indonesia.

For limited shipping within the area of one sub-district / district / province specifically for routine trips by sea transportation, or by land transportation, both private and public in an urban agglomeration area, it is not required to show a letter of RT-PCR test results / rapid test antigen / GeNose C19 test, but a random test will be carried out if needed by the Regional COVID-19 Handling Task Force.

Ground transportation trips

For those traveling on land public transportation, a random antigen rapid test / GeNose C19 test will be carried out if needed by the Regional Covid-19 Handling Task Force.

For those who travel by private land transportation, are advised to carry out the RT-PCR test or rapid antigen test whose samples are taken within a maximum period of 1x24 hours before departure, or the GeNose C19 test in the rest area as a requirement to continue the trip and a random test will be carried out if necessary by the Regional Covid-19 Handling Task Force.

Train travel

Must show a certificate of negative RT-PCR / rapid test antigen results whose samples are taken within a maximum period of 1x24 hours before departure, or a certificate of negative results for the GeNose C19 test at the Train Station before departure as a travel requirement.

Charging e-HAC

Filling in e-HAC Indonesia is recommended for travelers using all modes of public and private land transportation, except for air and sea travelers who are required to complete e-HAC Indonesia.

Meanwhile, children under 5 years of age are not required to take the RT-PCR test / rapid antigen test / GeNose C19 test as a condition of travel.

If the traveler's RT-PCR / rapid test antigen / GeNose C19 test results are negative, but there are symptoms, then the traveler may not continue the trip and are required to carry out RT-PCR diagnostic tests and self-isolate until the results of the examination come out.

The exception to the ban on going home

It is known, the permitted trips are logistics distribution service vehicles and travelers with urgent needs for non-travelers, including:

Visits from sick families Grief visits of deceased family members Work / official travel Pregnant women who are accompanied by 1 family member Interests of accompanying childbirth with a maximum of 2 other certain non-travel interests accompanied by a certificate from the local Village Head / Lurah.

From the above explanation, the Circular Letter addendum will be effective starting April 22-May 5, 2021, and May 18-May 24, 2021.

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