JAKARTA - A number of boys chose to swim in the middle of the flood that occurred in Rawajati Village, Pancoran District, South Jakarta, Tuesday, March 4, with water levels up to three meters.
"It's really fun to be able to swim," said one of the children named Rizky when met by ANTARA at the location.
The children looked cheerful while playing with the water. Without fear of getting dirty or sick, they looked bare-chested dividing the flood like the "excess".
Some of them wear buoys and helmets as their means of swimming.
On the side of the road, parents can be seen watching and other small children can only see while playing with water in a higher place.
"Don't play with water, these kids are really brave," said a mother named Rahma.
Based on observations since 09.05 WIB, floods have been seen in Rawajati since Monday (3/3).
A number of South Jakarta Fire and Rescue (Gulkarmat) officers deployed rubber boats to help evacuate residents who were still trapped in their homes.
It was seen that a number of houses had been flooded, while houses with two floors could still survive the water.
Not far from that location, a number of residents fled to the nearest house and also treated at the Rawajati Health Center.
The DKI Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) noted that until 09.00 WIB, there were 7 Neighborhood Units (RT) in Rawajati, South Jakarta which were flooded with an altitude of 170 to 330 meters, which was caused by the overflow of Ciliwung River water.
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