Chairman of the PKB faction of the DPR Jazilul Fawaid asked the KPU and Bawaslu to ensure that the re-voting (PSU) in a number of areas runs fairly, transparently, and democratically.
This is intended not to cause repeated disputes that have an impact on the democratic process to swell costs.
"We hope that the government, KPU, and Bawaslu must really ensure that the implementation of the PSU does not cause repeated disputes that trigger unrest and unrest in the community," said Jazilul, Monday, March 3.
"Commission II of the DPR must immediately summon the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) and the relevant Minister to ensure that the implementation of the PSU goes well and democratic," he continued.
The Constitutional Court (MK) decided that PSUs in 24 regions throughout Indonesia. This decision was issued by the Constitutional Court following the discovery of administrative errors in the implementation of the 2024 Pilkada such as the periodization of the term of office, a certificate that has never been convicted to the legality of the diploma.
Regarding the budget for the implementation of PSU in 24 regions participating in the 2024 Pilkada, Bawaslu and KPU estimate that a cost of almost Rp. 1 trillion is needed. For the KPU, it is Rp. 486 billion, while Bawaslu is around Rp. 251 billion and for other costs such as security.
Jazilul explained that the occurrence of the PSU was a consequence of an election dispute. However, he considered it ironic when some of the PSU triggers could actually be anticipated from an early age.
"For example, the PSU case in Tasikmalaya will not happen if from the beginning the election organizers are careful to ensure that the requirements related to the periodization of the position of regional head candidates are fulfilled or the PSU is due to the legality of the diploma of the regional head candidate. This is a trivial thing that has a big impact because there must be a repeat of the vote at large costs," he said.
Regarding the PSU budget issue, Gus Jazil admitted that there had indeed been problems where Bawaslu felt the budget was too small. However, according to him, this must be resolved by the Government because Bawaslu has an important role.
"Do not let there be a budget problem that causes Bawaslu not to carry out surveillance. This can be chaotic. The government must regulate the budget for the implementation of the PSU," he said.
According to Gus Jazil, the implementation of regional head elections to PSUs that spend a very large budget must be evaluated. He said that a large budget in the implementation of the Pilkada would be better allocated for the development of the country's socio-economics.
"We encourage the revision of the Election Law to evaluate the implementation of high-cost regional elections," he concluded.
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