JAKARTA - President of the Confederation of Indonesian Trade Unions (KSPI) and President of the Labor Party Said Iqbal assessed that the mass layoffs (PHK) against thousands of workers of PT Sri Rejeki Isman Tbk (Sritex) were illegal acts.
In response to this, KSPI will open an advocacy post for Sritex workers to help those who refuse layoffs, fight for severance pay rights, holiday allowances, and other rights.
In addition, the Labor Party and KSPI will hold a national action on March 5, 2025 with the main points at the State Palace and the Ministry of Manpower, Jakarta and simultaneous actions in various regions, including in Semarang.
"This action is our way of supporting a clean government, by showing that violations of workers must be stopped," Said Iqbal said in his statement, Monday, March 3.
Iqbal emphasized that the state must not let go of this case. Sritex workers must get their full rights, and all practices that are not transparent behind Sritex's bankruptcy must be disclosed.
"As long as the assets have not been sold, the wages of workers must still be paid. This is a matter of certainty and justice," he said.
Iqbal revealed that the layoffs on around 8,400 Sritex employees were contrary to the Employment Act and the Constitutional Court Decision (MK) Number 168 of 2023. The layoffs were considered illegal because the company did not carry out the bipartite or tripartite processes properly.
"In the Constitutional Court's decision, layoffs must go through bipartite first, with the official minutes agreed by both parties," said Said Iqbal regarding PT Sritex's layoffs.
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