Six teenagers were arrested by the Kubu Added Police for breaking into stalls in a number of locations located in three sub-districts in Buleleng Regency, Bali.

The six arrested perpetrators had the initials GS (15) KS (16), KA (15), GA (15), GU (14) and KD (15). They are desperate to break into a shop to buy liquor (alcohol) and play online gambling.

"Some of the proceeds of the crime are used to play online gambling, buy alcoholic beverages, and other personal needs," said Head of Public Relations of the Buleleng Police, AKP Gede Darma Diatmika, Thursday, February 27.

The six perpetrators broke into stalls in six locations spread across three sub-districts in Buleleng Regency, namely Kubu Addedan District, Sawan District, and Tejakula District.

This criminal act was revealed from the theft report on Sbtu, February 22 at Banjar Dinas Kaje Kangin, Kubu Addedan Village, Kubu Added District.

The shop owner with the initials GP reported losing IDR 5 million, a gold necklace including several packs of cigarettes. From this report, the police arrested a teenager who was the perpetrator of the theft.

"From the results of the investigation, the perpetrators admitted that they had committed theft in several other locations, namely in Tamblang Village, Bila Village, Kubu Addedan Village, Air Sanih Village, Bungkulan Village in Sawan District, and in Pacung Village, Tejakula District," said Gede Darma.

The evidence that was secured was cash amounting to Rp3,412,000, one gold necklace, one letter T key, one hammer, two locks, 66 XL voucher cards, several packs of cigarettes and

some of the motorbikes used in the theft.

"The modus operandi used by the perpetrators was to break the lock of the shop, then take money, valuables, and other necessities," he said.

However, considering that the perpetrators are still minors, the Kubu Police have added that they have delegated the handling of this case to the Women and Children Protection Unit (PPA) of the Buleleng Police Criminal Investigation Unit for further legal proceedings.

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