JAKARTA - Government spokesman for the handling of the COVID-19 virus Achmad Yurianto explained the development of the COVID-19 case. As of Friday, April 10 at 12.00 WIB, there were an additional 219 positive corona virus patients.

On Thursday, April 9, there were 3,293 positive corona virus patients, then today it increased to 3,512 people. Thousands of these positive cases have spread in all provinces throughout Indonesia.

Yuri stated, there were an additional 26 cases of patients who died, with the total per day reaching 306 people. As of today, there are an additional 30 cases of patients who are declared cured. The total number of recovered patients was at 282.

A few days ago, the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19 conducted an evaluation regarding the increase in the number of new cases in Indonesia. As a result, they found that the average incubation period for people who contracted COVID-19 was in the range of 5 to 6 days.

"This means that the positive cases we get today are actually infected cases 5-6 days ago," said Yuri at a press conference at Graha BNPB, East Jakarta, Friday, April 10.

This is faster than the incubation period that is usually carried out by a person when he is declared a person under surveillance (ODP) and a patient under surveillance (PDP) because he is suspected of receiving corona virus transmission. Their incubation period is 14 days.

When further confirmed, Yuri stated that the incubation period in Indonesia was still normal. "The theory says the incubation period is 2 days at the earliest and the maximum is 14 days. In Wuhan alone the average incubation period is 4 to 6 days," Yuri said in a short message to VOI.

Furthermore, to date the government has conducted Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) examinations of more than 19,500 people. This method is a laboratory test based on the results of taking a swab, namely a sample of saliva from the throat and bridge of the nose.

"We have examined more than 19,500 people for molecular-based examinations using real time PCR," said Yuri.

Then, the government has procured more than 769 thousand personal protective equipment (PPE). A total of 698,650 PPE have been distributed throughout Indonesia.

Then, there are already more than 3300 referral hospitals designated as places for handling COVID-19 and are already operational. "This is supported by many health workers, including specialist doctors, general practitioners, nurses and other support staff," he explained.

Furthermore, so far there have been 18 thousand medical and non-medical volunteers who have expressed their willingness to help manage COVID-19 in a more structured manner. Furthermore, the donations received from the public reached IDR 195 billion.

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