JAKARTA - Chairman of the PKB DPP Abdul Muhaimin Iskandar or Cak Imin said that the contribution of National Women in all lines has been proven and tested. It is proven by the presence of members who serve in important positions.
The statement was made after inaugurating the structure of the National Women's Central Management Board (DPP) for the period 2024-2029 which is the wing of the PKB at Hallf Patiunus, Jakarta, Tuesday, February 25, evening.
"It is undeniable that the contribution of Women of the Nation has been proven. We are all witnesses to the history of how the contribution of women of the nation from the start was real," said Cak Imin.
In addition, it was stated that the Women of the Nation had accompanied the struggle of PKB from the beginning until now. In fact, taking part in raising the party.
"I am a witness to history at all times, PKB women, women from the Nation are always the solutions faced by our struggles," she said.
Therefore, Cak Imin appreciated the role and real contribution of women in raising PKB. It is hoped that the new management will continue to provide innovations for the nation and state.
"Congratulations to the new inaugurated management. Good luck and work. We will continue to be part of the nation's solution and will continue to make innovative, creative, productive contributions to the challenges of the times, challenges of the nation and state," he concluded.
On that occasion, the Chairman of the PKB DPP Shura Council, KH. Ma'ruf Amin also conveyed his mandate. Mentioned the role of Women of the Nation is very large and reminds them to continue to be creative and stay together.
"The task of women in the Nation is difficult. Therefore, it must foster creativity in diversity and select something that is allowed for benefit not only for PKB but for rahmatan lil alamin," said Ma'ruf Amin.
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