JAKARTA - Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko recalls the moments when he was at KRI Nanggala-402. The submarine is now in search after disappearing in Balinese waters.

"Eight years ago, when I was Commander of the TNI, I worked with the crew of the KRI Nanggala-402 submarine, who at this time reportedly lost contact. On this boat, the Golden Shark Wing was awarded to me, ”said Moeldoko, Thursday, April 22.

Through dr_moeldoko's Instagram account, Moeldoko uploaded an old video when he was on the KRI Nanggala-402 submarine. For Moeldoko, KRI Nanggala-402 is very strong in protecting Indonesia's maritime sovereignty.

“I witness how tough the crew is at work. Safeguarding the maritime sovereignty of the archipelago from various threats, "he said.

"Given this, I wish the entire crew of the Nanggala submarine through this crisis," said Moeldoko.

Previously, the Chief of Naval Staff (KSAL) Admiral Yudo Margono confirmed that the KRI Nanggala-402 submarine that was lost in Bali waters was fit for use even though it was old. Moreover, this submarine has received an eligibility letter from the Navy's Materiel Feasibility Service.

"The Nanggala-402 submarine is ready, both personnel and material. The personnel are complete, the material has already received the Dislaikmatal eligibility letter," Yudo said in a press conference broadcast on YouTube Puspen TNI, Thursday, April 22.

He said that this ship was built in Germany in 1977 and received by the Indonesian Navy in 1981. So far, the Nanggala-402 has a history of firing 15 torpedo head exercises and twice firing the war head torpedoes.

"So the KRI Nanggala is ready for combat, so we send it, we involve it to fire the torpedo of the head of training and the head of war," he said.

Meanwhile, TNI Commander Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto said the eligibility letter issued by Dislaikmatal was still valid until March 25, 2022.

"So it is still feasible to carry out operational activities," he said.

KRI Nanggala-402 previously requested permission to dive in Bali waters at 03.00 WITA, Wednesday, April 21. It is planned that the submarine will carry out firing for a training rehearsal. However, the KRI Nanggala-402, which brought these 53 people, then lost contact.

The search was carried out using active sonar in the vicinity of the KRI Nanggala-402 dive. But to no avail. Meanwhile, at 07.00 WITA, the search was carried out by air. An oil spill was seen at the location of the KRI Nanggala-402 diving.

Modernization of Alutsista

Defense Minister (Menhan) Prabowo Subianto emphasized the urgent situation to accelerate the modernization of the main weapon system (alutsista). The acceleration of defense equipment modernization is related to the loss of KRI Nanggala-402.

"Now we urge us to modernize our defense equipment even more quickly and we are sure, I am sure, that in the near future we can modernize our equipment for the three dimensions, sea and air," said Prabowo at a press conference with the TNI Commander, Thursday, April 22.

Prabowo emphasized that the modernization of defense equipment is a priority. According to him, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has ordered the preparation of a master plan to ensure the strength of national defense.

"(Compilation) of the master plan (span of) 25 years which gives us a totality of defense capabilities, we are currently finalizing. We are working on it, we are working on it, God willing, in 2-3 weeks we will complete it together with the TNI Commander and the Chief of Staff and we will convey it to the President, "he said.

Prabowo admitted that efforts to improve the welfare of TNI members are difficult to go hand in hand with the modernization of defense equipment. But the rejuvenation of defense equipment is encouraged to be prioritized.

"We are currently formulating the management of defense equipment procurement to be more orderly, more efficient. But we do need to rejuvenate our defense equipment. Many of our defense equipment are indeed due to compulsion and because we prioritize the development of our welfare, we have not modernized it faster, "added Prabowo.

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