YOGYAKARTA - Human life in society has an important role in the political method of a country. Humans, in their position as social beings, will always interact with other humans in an effort to create their necessities of life.

The basic needs of human life are insufficient, such as eating, drinking, biology, clothes and shelter (house). More than that, it also includes the need for self-recognition and respect from others in the form of pride, payment of work, status as a member of society, a member of a certain political party and so on.

Every citizen, in his daily life is almost always in contact with practical political aspects, whether symbolic or not. In the implementation of the process, it can occur immediately or indirectly with political practices.

Practical Politics: Definition

The meaning of practical politics is a world where all intentions, motives, interests, and determination are present side by side and co-exist with each other to fight for power. In plain view, the power referred to is none other than a position, position or position. But implicitly, what is fought over is the authority and authority to make public decisions.

In the past, when the concept of democracy was not yet as conceptual as it is today, politics was practically nothing but a "war or physical clash" between two or more camps that destroyed each other to gain power.

However, when the concept of political democracy has been grounded as it is today, practical politics has resembled a contestation of mutually assassinating characters, destroying each other's strategies and tactics, attacking each other's territorial bases, and competing with each other to receive public sympathy.

Practical Political Examples

- What was carried out by the PKI and PNI in destroying HMI to form a power association.

- Political parties that use many celebrities where they are public figures who have been famous to attract the hearts and support of the community.

- During the New Order era, the TNI became a political tool which should be neutral for all groups.

- Carrying out political party campaigns on campus where the campus should be in a neutral zone and not taking sides with any group in a political context.

- Timses for people's leadership candidates who distributed basic food and money (money policy) to gain popular support.

- Making political friends as sacrifices to cover up the bigger corruption within parties and government institutions.

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