The Directorate of Drug Investigation of the North Sumatra Regional Police (Polda Sumut) arrested a suspected courier of 25 kilograms of methamphetamine-type narcotics supplied from Malaysia.

"The evidence confiscated was 25 packs of tea packages but contained methamphetamine with a total weight of about 25 kilograms and a cell phone that was allegedly used to communicate in this smuggling," said Director of Drug Investigation at the North Sumatra Police, Kombes Pol. Yemi Mandagi, as reported by ANTARA, Friday, February 21.

The suspects had the initials AM (52), H (45) and E (40) who were suspected of playing a role in carrying the methamphetamine from the border of Indonesian-Malaysia waters.

This arrest began with information about narcotics transactions in the waters of Batu Bara Regency, North Sumatra which were brought from the border of Indonesian-Malaysia waters.

The team immediately conducted an investigation and found three perpetrators in accordance with the reported characteristics. After that, a search and arrest were carried out on the suspects in Medang Village, Medang Deras District, Batu Bara Regency, North Sumatra, Sunday (16/2).

Yemi said the results of the examination of the suspect showed that the evidence was taken from the Indonesian-Malaysia border waters using a boat driven by a tekong with the initials D.

"H admitted that he was ordered by someone named Hendra alias Mandra to pick up methamphetamine in the middle of the sea in exchange for Rp. 100 million. But, before the transaction was completed, they were immediately arrested by officers," he said.

Yemi said the arrests showed the commitment of the North Sumatra Police in eradicating narcotics trafficking. To increase drug eradication, his party appealed to the public to continue working with the police in providing information related to drug trafficking.

The three perpetrators have been detained at the North Sumatra Police for further legal proceedings. They were charged with Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics, with the threat of a maximum sentence of life imprisonment or the death penalty.

The North Sumatra Police will also continue to develop this case in order to uncover the larger network behind the smuggling of cross-border methamphetamine.

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