JAKARTA - The City Government of Tasikmalaya, West Java prepared a medical team to vaccinate hundreds of Chinese elderly people as a form of government attention in preventing the transmission of the COVID-19 outbreak at Graha Asia Plaza, Tasikmalaya, Tuesday, April 20.

Acting Tasikmalaya Mayor Muhammad Yusuf, after reviewing the implementation of elderly vaccination, said that the elderly were members of the Tasikmalaya Chinese Association (PTT) who proposed to be vaccinated against COVID-19.

"The target is now that the PTT members are nearly 600 (people) if the total members are more than a thousand," said Yusuf.

He said that the City Government of Tasikmalaya continues to strive to carry out the COVID-19 vaccination against various groups including the elderly, as well as other ethnic groups such as the Chinese elderly.

"They (Chinese elderly) are very enthusiastic about being vaccinated. I saw that they were almost 100 years old, they came here for the vaccine," he said.

He conveyed, the total target of the elderly in Tasikmalaya City is 73 thousand people, currently 619 people have just been vaccinated for the first stage, and the second vaccine is 338 people including data from Chinese elderly.

Tasikmalaya City Government, he said, all the elderly will gradually be vaccinated with the target that until June 2021 everything has been completed.

"We are targeting all elderly targets in June to complete vaccination," he said.

Head of the Tasikmalaya City Health Office, Uu Supangat, added that his staff continued to move to carry out vaccinations to various groups, such as the current vaccination for elderly Chinese.

"Our achievement for the elderly is still low, today I see there are 500 recorded, hopefully more," he said.

He conveyed that the Tasikmalaya City Government in the success of vaccination against the elderly is collaborating with various organizations, besides PTT there are also other organizations that deal with the elderly, including organizations of interfaith harmony.

Regarding the stock of vaccine doses, he said, there is enough available, and the plan is for redistribution from the central and provincial governments to Tasikmalaya City according to calculations in the field.

"Vaccine stocks in Tasikmalaya City are in accordance with our calculations, we have counted the number of targets," he said.

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