JAKARTA - The COVID-19 Handling Task Force in Karawang Regency, West Java, said that the recovery rate for the corona virus in the area has now reached 95 percent.

This was conveyed by the spokesperson of the local COVID-19 Task Force, Fitra Hergyana. According to him, now the cure rate for COVID-19 in Karawang has reached 95 percent with a death rate of 3.1 percent.

"For COVID-19 deaths, it is influenced by chronic comorbidities or due to old age (the highest is 50-59 years and 60-69 years)," he said.

According to data from the Karawang Health Office, as of Tuesday, the cumulative number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Karawang has reached 18,306 cases.

In details, as many as 568 people died and 331 people were still being treated or had positive active status. Then 17,407 people were declared cured.

For the number of patients who have recovered, currently there are 105 people, two people who have died and 32 people who have been treated.

Fitra hopes that the community will help the government which is conducting mass vaccinations.

Currently in the vaccination phase for the elderly, for the elderly people to be vaccinated, they can contact the nearest Puskesmas.

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