One More Step For KPK Officers To Become ASN
KPK / ANTARA Building

JAKARTA - The process of changing the status of employees of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) to the state civil apparatus (ASN) is almost complete. Deputy Chairman of the KPK, Nurul Ghufron, said that the first stage of this process had been completed by his employees.

"The first stage has been completed, the second stage is halfway through," said Ghufron in a video entitled KPK Employees to become ASN on the KPK RI YouTube account quoted on Tuesday, April 20.

He explained that this process has two benchmarks, namely testing the basic competence of institutions and loyalty to the ideology of Pancasila and the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. It's just that employees no longer need to do basic competency testing because it has been done before.

"The competency data is still neatly stored in the KPK personnel management," he said.

The transfer of the status of KPK employees was only carried out by testing the loyalty of the Pancasila and NKRI ideologies. The test was carried out in writing and an interview.

"For that we then coordinated, then a national moderation index competency test was carried out to measure loyalty to the ideology of Pancasila and the Republic of Indonesia," he said.

"We have identified it and then the data is submitted to BKN, BKN then carried out in two tests, a written test and an interview," added Ghufron.

There is also a written test for this stage carried out from March 18 to April 7. "So, if there are two stages, the first stage is halfway through the second stage," he said.

Ghufron explained that the KPK had to change the status of this employee. Because, this transition is regulated in Law Number 19 Year 2019 Article 1 Paragraph 6.

"We are law enforcers who must obey the law. The law has outlined that KPK employees must become ASNs," he said.

Due to this regulation, employees must relinquish the independent status that has been held so far.

"The mandate of Article 1 point 6 must be implemented," he concluded.

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