Buol Police, Central Sulawesi held a socialization to prevent drug trafficking in the area. They pay special attention to the younger generation.
"One of the prevention efforts is to provide education related to the dangers and impacts of drugs," said Buol Police Chief AKBP Handri Wira Suriyana in Biau, quoting ANTARA on Sunday, February 2.
He stated the importance of educating youth about the dangers of drug trafficking and abuse.
"Of course there are dangers and threats if people take actions related to drugs," he said.
According to him, the education on preventing drug trafficking and abuse is routinely carried out by the Buol Police to schools in the area.
"In fact, our target is that children in schools provide education about drugs, thus preventing youth, especially minors, from using drugs," he said.
Handri explained that the role of parents is very important to protect their children from promiscuity.
"The role of teachers is no less important because the time these children are also more at school so teachers must be able to provide an understanding of the dangers of drugs for health," he said.
He said that in education there are three concepts of self-resilience such as having good self-regulation, positive and having an objective attitude, namely how to invite students to firmly reject drug invitations.
"This education is to prevent young school age youth from falling into drug trafficking and abuse," he said.
His party through Bhabinkamtibmas gave an appeal to the public about the dangers and abuse of drugs.
It is known that during 2024 the Central Sulawesi Regional Police managed to uncover 634 drug cases.
Drug cases in Central Sulawesi in 2024 increased 14 percent compared to the previous year, which was 544 cases.
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