JOMBANG - Polres Jombang, East Java, evacuated abandoned babies found by an empty shop. The baby was found in Jaten Hamlet, Jatipelem Village, Diwek District, Jombang Regency, which was allegedly dumped.

Diwek Police Chief, Jombang, AKP Edy Widoyono, in Jombang, Sunday, said the findings began with reports from residents who were suspicious of the sound of a baby crying in an empty shop, then to the location found the baby lying just like that.

"After being checked at the location, there was a baby boy aged about four months. The location is in Janten Hamlet, Jatipelem Village, Diwek," he said, quoting ANTARA, February 2.

He added that the baby's findings were also immediately coordinated with the village midwife for treatment. The officer brought the baby complete with items near the baby.

When found, he said, the baby was in good health. The baby's body is also good, and even looks fat. The baby was found in a bathtub position complete with bags and formula milk.

"The child is white, handsome, and his body is healthy. His baby is fresh and found in the bathtub, and the bucket is used for the bath and there is a bag containing clothes and milk," he said.

The police also examined a number of eyewitnesses who knew about the findings. The police also recorded the possibility that there was a mother who had a small child the same age as the newly found baby.

Polres juga berkoordinasi dengan dinas sosial terkait dengan temuan bayi itu untuk dilakukan perawatan sementara bayi hingga ditemukan orang tuanya.

"The baby is temporarily being treated in an orphanage in the Jombang area," he said.

He said his party was also still investigating the case and hoped that there would be a common ground.

"We are also processing the TKP (scene of the case) to look for further clues to uncover this case. Whose problems and motives were thrown away or abandoned the baby is still under investigation," he said.

Meanwhile, a number of residents also felt concerned about the baby. They also entertained the baby when he was taken to the polyndes for examination. Residents also hope that the police can find the baby's parents as soon as possible.

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